
Expo-Master Class


Theme Portrait & Model photography: "Correcting poses from head to toe"


In this workshop we focus on body language and poses. We analyse poses on the criteria of elegance and expressive value. We analyse in depth position and movements of feet, legs, pelvis, spine, head, shoulders, arms and fingers. We learn how to guide our models into poses and movements, through both analytic and intuitive techniques.
We learn to adapt poses in function of body characteristics, light and composition.
Level All levels: this workshop is aimed at photo enthusiasts as well as professional photographers who want to improve their artistic or commercial portrait, fashion or nude photography
Language English, with support in Dutch, French and/or German when requested
Length 2 days from 10.00 to 17.00
Date 23-23rd April 2017
Location Salve Mater, Lovenjoel, Belgium
Salve Mater is Pascal's daylight work space, an spacious ancient monastery-hospital
Models 1 model per 4 participants
Participants minimum 6, maximum 15
Price 625 euro
Included Sandwich lunch, drinks & snacks
Model release for artistic use
Equipment Participants just need their usual equipment: camera, standard lens, memory card, smile and enthusiasm!
Lodging Overnight staying at Spartan conditions is offered at the Salve Mater building.
We can advise hotels or bed & breakfast places nearby

body language: open & closed poses; the direction of the energy
in depth analysing poses from center of gravity to the extremes: feet, legs, pelvis; spine, head; shoulders, arms hands
poses and expression; poses and movements
guiding your model into poses and movements: descriptive and mirroring techniques
adapting poses to light and composition
short, didactic moments
in-depth demonstrations by Pascal
to the point exercises
photo sessions in small groups
feedback on participants' images
tips to select your best workshop images

Questions Contact us at:
Register Registration via


Silken PHOTO Award 2017

SILKEN is a prestigious hotel in the European Quarter (compared AMIGO) in Brussels.
They bring the photography in the spotlight and organize an annual contest.
Kris Jacobs, Michele Francken, Lucille Feremans and Filip Santen already won the prize in the past.

Send a series of six vertical images (17.5cm x 47cm) in one specific theme.
The winning photos will be exhibited again standing at the doors of a floor in the hotel.
If you wish to participate, you should range from 6 vertical photos printed to submit for February 17, 2017.
Participation is free.
- Submit photos that can qualify to hang magnified doors at a hotel
- It is safe to take a look at the hotel in order to form a picture of how it looks.
The story with photos from previous editions are still there. will be at the reception they gladly inform where to look

1st Prize:
- € 2000
- An exhibition of your work for 4 months in the Zoom Gallery of Silken Hotel
- The winning photos will be permanently exhibited at the doors of an entire floor in the Silken Hotel
All the information and the application form for participation are available through this link:

Number Four
All photos and articles is © to Edoardo Piccinini Archives and photographers