
WPC Information on how are judged and presentation photos

Unlike any other professional photographic competition, the WPC is an Olympics-styled event with national teams competing against other national teams in a spirit of friendship and unity.

Each team is made up of three images in each of the six categories: Commercial, Illustrative / Digital Art, Nature (Landscape, wild life…), Portrait, Reportage and Wedding

A photographer may have more than one image in the competition, but not more than one in any given category.

Individual team members compete for Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals, while their teams are competing for the Cup!

The judging is conducted by judges from all over the world.
Actually, each entering team entitled one judge, and the judges are especially trained for the World Photographic Cup. It is a blind judging, which means judges never met with each other, and at no time were they given the name or country of the image they were judging. Each image in the competition is scored by the judges in four areas: impact, creativity, technical excellence and composition

In addition to the individual medals, points are given out to each country: 10 for first place, 9 for second place, 8 for third place, 7 points for 4th place and so on. So everyone in the top-10 contributes points to their team total.

Which means every top-10 finish is crucial for winning the World Photographic Cup !

You have the possibility to look the integrality of the photos in competition on the website of the WPC.



Portugal 55 points, Cup Winner
Russia 46,5 points, 2nd Place
Slovakia 34,5 points, 3rd Place

Spain 32 points, 4th Place
Mexico 26 points, 5th Place
Australia 23 points, 6th Place
Austria 23 points, 6th Place
Finland 20 points, 8th Place
China 17,5 points, 9th Place
Czech Republic 13 points, 10th Place

INDIVIDUAL RESULTS (Medal winners and Finalists/top 10 finishes)


Diamantino Jesus Portugal Gold Medal
Hannes Kutzler Austria Silver Medal
Onni Wiljami Kinnunen Finland Bronze Medal
André Boto Portugal 4th Place
Yuri Afanasiev Russia 5th Place
Bree Corn Austria 6th Place
Vlado Veverka Slovakia 7th Place
Andrey Kezzyn Russia 8th Place
Lisa Saad Australia 9th Place
Dag Asle Langø Norway 10th Place


Jesús Miguel Muel de Dios Spain Gold Medal
Diamantino Jesus Portugal Silver Medal
Ben Shirk USA Bronze Medal
Natália Benčicová Slovakia 4th Place
Álvaro José Ruiz Nogues Spain 5th Place
Sylvie Lezier France 6th Place
Suellen Cook Australia 7th Place
José D’Almeida Portugal 8th Place
Onni Wiljami Kinnunen Finland 9th Place
Xie Dacai China 10th Place
Helge Kirchberger Austria 10th Place
